Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Iraq Study Group Report...Cesar J. Alvarado Responds

In an effort to collect a broad range of responses from different members of this community we call The United States of America, I asked Cesar Alvarado of Austin, Tejas, to throw his two cents into the mix regarding The Iraq Study Group Report. Here's what the good man had to say:
"I do not have time in my busy days and nights to read a "Report" that amongst many other things wasted taxpayers money and offers another smoke screen distraction. Can you imagine how much time and money it took to get all those humans (I question this word) in one room? Several Personal Schedulars, who are more than likely getting little pay, were involved as were several private planes owned by Exxon, McDonald Douglas, and maybe even Phillip Morris.
I could have invited my friends to la casa for fajitas, tortillas, beer, and non-alcoholic drinks and we would have come up with this report for about $30.15. I even think the fajitas are on sale at La Michoacana right now! Sincerely, how much did this "Report" tell us. We know the Iraq War is stupid. We should know there are People of Color who were promised a "career" dying and being messed with mentally, the Iraq War and the Military Industrial Complex are HUGE money makers and Anglo Americans rule the world, today.
I am tired. I am tired of focusing on the wars backed by the nation. Backed by M-16 guns, F-16 jets, Dell computers and the "Almighty Dollar". "God Bless America, and No One Else" has been said aloud and silently too many times.
I am willing to do the work on myself, my home, my neighborhood, my community, my town-city, my state...and eventually the nation. Are you? Please raise your hand if you know the Iraq War, War on Terrorism, War on Drugs...are smoke screen distractions. Distractions to what is happeing in our kitchens, bedrooms, cantinas, schools, streets, workplace, amongst many other places. Domestic Terrorism. Domestic Violence. Rape. Sexual Assault. These silent killers, silent emotional terrors are not being stopped and are being spread around the globe in the form of war like plagues.
We NEED to take care of self first. Then, work on your home, your neighborhood, your community, your town-city, your state...and eventually your nation. This is why I have not read the "Report". I am extremely busy working on myself, my home, my neighborhood...trying hard to stop and prevent violence from happening here and spreading all over the globe.
Con Amor y Paz,
Cesar J. Alvarado"
Cesar J. Alvarado is a community activist based in Austin, Tejas. He serves as a Community Organizer for the Texas Council on Family Violence.


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