Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Wandering Eye...John Kerry Fumbles...All is Lost(?)

There's something about being 'Independent' that gnaws at my brain night and day like a bloodthirsty tick on a blood hound some random hot August afternoon. I'm not there yet, but with things getting botched time and time again by Democratic leaders, what else is a person who wants what's best for his family, and his children to do? And, christ, turning Republican is like shaving off my head and donning a white hood and cloak. That's not a pretty sight for a six foot four Mexican, and it doesn't look right (turning Republican, that is) for a group of Valley mayors to do it. They'd still have my support if they'd at least have tossed their political muscle with 'Independent' candidate Strayhorn. Hell, I've got friends who are voting for her, and regardless of this, they still and always will remain at the top of the masthead in my book. I laugh at them to myself, of course, but that's besides the point. At this point in the game, it's all about believing in something bigger than yourself. The idea that our country can be great again if we can just concentrate on getting our kids home, and start worrying about all the injustices that are going on in this country, at this moment, instead of trying to fix any country with a hint of political and financial interest and their 'sudden' need for a Democratic society. Christ, we can hardly keep ours intact half the time, what makes us think that we can go around the world encouraging others to do the same?
For all this ranting, all I wanted to pass along to some of you who may be in the same boat at the moment trying desperately to figure out how to make heads and tails of things this election season, is a link to John Kerry's web site at
The Senator, who in my book, did nothing more than fumble the ball on the tie-breaking winning touchdown run at the two yard line in the Super Bowl, by making the following comment: "They got stuck in Iraq."
Now, I say and agree with the Senator that his words were nothing more than a botched joke directed at our Commander-In-Chief. Most people, especially with the mass media's support, got spoonfed the version which takes aim at our troops in Iraq. Their anger is understandable, and believe me when I say I'm one of those people who would jump on this like a rabid dog out to take my dying frustrations out on somebody-anybody if there was an ounce of truth to Kerry's comment being aimed at our troops. Considering that most people don't pay close attention to politics and probably don't even know who John Kerry is, or what state he's a Senator for, chances are they have much less any idea in what context his comments should be taken in. I'm not trying to get anybody riled up over this, I'm just asking for some of you to take a look at what he has to say and pay closer attention to our political environment before jumping the gun. Especially at a time when a Republican majority in a heated election season has just scooped up the ball and ran ninety eight yards in the opposite direction to score the winning touchdown. If I'm angry at John Kerry, it's because he should've known what the majority of the people, who are seldom interested in the political environment unless it makes headlines, are apt to take out of context regarding a comment, botched joke, or whatever he wants to call it when it makes the top story in the evening news just before Entertainment Tonight, or La Fella Mas Bella. His stupidity will be the final straw that broke the camel's back, and those sleazy little Republicans with less than a week left in the election's are going to exploit, and juice it for all it's bitterly worth. Their dreams are intact once more, and with millions of people who don't give a damn about their futures by not doing anything about it either way, it's nice to know at least some greedheads will be sleeping soundly the rest of the ride into next Tuesday. Are those cookies I smell?-Grandma Strayhorn, is that you?
(To read John Kerry's answer to this whole fiasco follow this link:


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