Friday, November 03, 2006

Brad McClellan's Reply to email...

"Nothing is more important than our children's education--a top quality education. Thank you again for all you do for Texas, and you are right to speak up and speak out and fight for what is right--something learned at an early age in my family--and blogging is certainly the latest equalizer in getting out information.
Carole Keeton Strayhorn announced as an independent Texan, not a new party. She will be a Governor for all the people of Texas just as she has been all her life since her days as a school teacher. I personally apologize to any affront caused by our Secure-Texas plan--which does call for the Texas Rangers to oversee and coordinate security in our whole state--they would not actually be deployed to the border--there are not very many. The complete plan is on our web site for any to review, and you will note that this is about all of Texas not just pandering to fears about our Southern border. She will also make sure the Texas Rangers and others reflect how Texas looks with all segments represented including females and that border communities are represented and heard.
A large part of our proposal was directed towards her Texas NextStep proposal and to increase funding for local officials, and one on the largest parts of the proposal was to dedicate $84 million to the border counties not for a wall but for economic infrastructure and development of roads, utilites, and improvements for the community.
She has always fought discrimination in her political career, and she will always fight discrimination of any kind. Everyone will have a voice and a seat at the table, and she will not govern with threats, intimidation, and mean spirited divisiveness. We welcome the support of any and all hardworking Texans, and to lift Texas, we must lift all Texans. My mother has fought discrimination all her life and even today gets hate mail solely because she is a female. She was the first woman school board president in Austin, and then the first woman Mayor of Austin in 1977, when two days before the election two local businessmen said a woman could not handle the job and basically implied she should be home taking care of her four boys--one of which I am. I was never as mad and frustrated after that comment that a woman could not handle being Mayor of Austin, but two days later I was extremely happy that she was elected and reelected two more times to the non-partisan position. She believes every person should be treated equally. My mom and I welcome your advice.
(excerpt from an email sent by Brad McClellan to Hector Gomez Nov. 2, 2006 in response to original email sent by the author of RGV Politics Re-Visited. See previous post)
I sent the original email not really expecting a reply, or at least not one as eloquent as Brad's. I have sent my share of emails to candidates running this election season, and was met with either a non-reply, or a sort of brush off with a link to the candidates web site where they address the issues. So, my thanks to Brad McClellan for permission to post an excerpt from his email to me, and also for the clarifications on any confusions I may have had before.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Grandma Go!

1:33 PM  

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