Friday, December 08, 2006

The Iraq Study Group Report...or How I Spent My Summer Vacation

If you've been living under a rock the past couple of years, I have just the book to bring you up to speed with what the rest of us have been dealing with. The Iraq Study Group Report was published Wednesday with about as much political fanfare and hoopla as a mob of crazed teenagers outside Lindsay Lohan's AA sanctuary. It reads like a junior high history textbook, but less entertaining, and far less informative. With passages like the following filling it's pages:
"Because events in Iraq have been set in motion by American decisions and actions, the United States has both a national and a moral interest in doing what it can to give Iraqis an opportunity to avert anarchy."-The Iraq Study Group Report
It's no wonder reporters such as Matt Taibbi from Rolling Stone who's covered D.C. and Congress for a while (check out The Low Post at have criticized this report for not addressing the ways and means by which our soldiers will get out of Iraq, and the realistic stabilization of the Middle East, but rather have regurgitated the same points of opposition the majority of this country has reflected since the war began.
Only Uncle James is handing out the hard medicine this time that the President will finally take words like 'mistake', 'urgency', 'morality', 'see Dick run', 'see Jane hide', seriously.
Well, if that's the case, I hope the President decides to take the following passage seriously as well:
"The Iraqi people could be subjected to another strongman who flexes the political and military muscle required to impose order amid anarchy. Freedom could be lost."
That's straight from the Iraq Study Group Report. Hell, I couldn't have put it better myself.


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