Letter to Brad McClellan...Strayhorn's Campaign Director...A bad case of hives
"Mr. McClellan,
my name is Hector Gomez, author of the South Texas political blog site 'RGV Politics Re-Visited'. I have been very critical of Mrs. Strayhorn's election run for Governor of this Great State, mainly because of her indecisive pledge to any particular party. But basing a voting decision on one issue alone is like judging a fajita taco by the guacamole without ever getting to the fajita.
I will concede, though, that as we head into the final days of this election season, there's no doubt in my mind that she is indeed a more viable candidate than Chris Bell ever was this entire season. For different reasons, you know, but too lengthy to get into here.
Mrs. Strayhorn has taken a good stance on the issue of education which is important to me because I'm a father of a kindergarten student. I don't believe Perry will ever do anything worthwhile for the children and teachers of Texas, and Chris Bell is offering nothing more than "whatever Perry did, I'll undo." But no mention as to how he wants to go about getting it done.
For me this election has become about getting rid of Rick Perry, kicking him out of office that fine Tuesday in November. I think a lot of us feel that way down here, but we're stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to going against a party we've been taught to believe in, and voting for someone who has the courage, and perhaps a much needed audacity to change things.
But at this point, I'm only so close to doing that, and the only reason why has to do with one issue she's intending to put into practice if she's elected Governor. That is sending the Texas Rangers to the border to aid with Homeland Security.
As a human being of Hispanic descent, there is a history to the effect that doesn't paint the Texas Rangers along the border in a very positive light. For everything the law enforcement agency rightfully stands for in this day and age, it's history is not something a good amount of people in our region take lightly. I wish she would reconsider sending the National Guard to the border, or increase funding for local law enforcement officials to be better prepared to handle security along the Rio Grande River. This would put my mind to rest as I head into the election booth next Tuesday, but until then, I don't think I have it in me to overlook her insensitivity to a region she's been politically wooing for a long time now. You can stand only so much expired guacamole before you break out in hives...
Thank you for your time,
Hector Gomez
RGV Politics Re-Visited
That's an email I sent to Carole Keeton Strayhorn's Campaign Director Brad McClellan. It's pretty self explanatory, and pretty much sums up where I'm at in this confused state of electing a Governor that will do what's right for ALL of us. Especially for us in the Rio Grande Valley, where most would agree that we've been getting the shit end of the stick for a long time now.
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