Friday, December 15, 2006

Continuing posts on the Iraq Study Group Report...Different Ideas, Different Perspectives all next week...

Just a quick note this Friday afternoon to let you all know what's coming up next week.
I've been busy since Wednesday contacting different people from across our great State of Texas and the rest of the nation asking for their reactions to the Iraq Study Group Report. I've gotten a handful of responses that I will be posting all of next week.
In addition to Cesar J. Alvarado, I'll have a few natives from the Valley who have gone on with different careers in different directions and have set up life in different parts of the country. I'll have a nationally syndicated columnist who is based at the San Diego Union Tribune offer his insights. We spoke by phone earlier today--thanks to Ruben for his insights and his patience with this 'bloguero'. I'll also have feedback from Dr. Samuel Freeman from the Political Science Dept. at the University of Texas-Pan American.
So, it should shape up to be an interesting week, and I hope you'll find it as interesting as I have.
Have a good weekend, everybody.


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